Our Backstory

Since PCT4PC was formed in March of 2021, we have raised $50,000. Sadly, Alan, who inspired us and started PCT4PC along with us, passed away in July of 2022 after living with stage IV pancreatic cancer for nearly 3 years. Even though Ben’s hike is over, we hope to continue raising money for pancreatic cancer research in memory of Alan and to help put an end to this deadly disease. In January 2023, we were proud to officially present the money we raised to Norwalk Hospital, to support Dr. Richard Frank’s study to develop methods of early detection for pancreatic cancer.

Continue reading to learn about how PCT4PC came to be!


March 2021:

My name is Ben Shmaruk. I am a student at Lafayette College and an avid outdoorsman and hiker. I owe my passion for the outdoors to my father, Alan. Ever since I was young, he would take me on local hikes and even took me up Mount Washington, NH at 8 years old. The seeds were planted, and pretty soon I was spending my summers hiking, culminating with a month long expedition with the National Outdoor Leadership School. Throughout this time, my dad and I continued to hike together regularly, including trips in Peru and New Zealand.


On September 26, 2019, my father was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. This news shook my family to its core, but what began as nervousness and uncertainty transformed into positivity and hope due to my Dad’s fighting spirit. He approached every round of chemotherapy knowing he would make it through, and eventually, he rang the bell at Norwalk Hospital signaling the end of his chemo in January 2020. Unfortunately, his illness has resurfaced and he is restarting chemo on March 8 (2021).


When it was announced over the summer that school would once again be conducted with virtual classes due to the pandemic, my Dad gave me the idea to take a gap year and pursue my dream of thru hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. I jumped on the opportunity and will be starting my hike on March 30 from the Mexican border.

My family as a collective decided that we should use this opportunity to raise money for pancreatic cancer research. Thousands of people die from this terrible illness every year, and every penny of your donations will go towards making sure that more people emerge from their battles victorious.