The Night Before

Writing this post is a completely surreal feeling. I have been thinking about tomorrow for months and to a lesser extent, years, and now here we are. I’ve spent the last couple days staying with my (vaccinated) Great Aunt Ilene and Uncle Donald outside of San Diego, preparing for the trip. After a last minute REI run and my first food shop of the trip, I am all ready to go tomorrow. Currently my emotions consist of alternating excitement and nervousness, as I look to settle into a rhythm over the next few days. I hope to update this page weekly with detailed reports of my hiking. That said, if I go a while without posting, it is likely due to service issues, so please do not think the worst has happened. As for the rest of the night, I’m planning on taking a nice warm shower as it could be my last in a while. When I wake up tomorrow it’ll be time to realize a lifelong dream, and I intend to make the absolute most of this experience over the next few months.


Day 1-6: Mexican Border to Mountain Valley Retreat