Day 14-19: Idyllwild to Little Bear Springs

Mile 179.8-285.9

Well, the last week or so has been eventful, to say the least. It started out with a day short on mileage but high on effort. Coming out of Idyllwild, Mac and I hiked up the Devil’s Slide Trail to rejoin the PCT, then made the side trip to the top of San Jacinto Peak. It was about 4500 feet of climbing to get up there, but the views from the peak made the detour worth it.


It was almost surreal being over 10000 feet above the desert floor, and my joints hurt just knowing that I would be all the way down there next day. The rest of the day was a slog for sure. I was definitely feeling the effects of the altitude up there. While descending helped, trudging through snow for miles at a time did not. The last 2 miles were almost entirely snow covered and very frustrating. At least there were views though.


The next day it was time for the biggest descent on the entire PCT. Mac went ahead and ended up pushing almost 30 miles. I managed 23 with very sore ankles afterwards. I started above the clouds, and it was wild starting from impossibly high up and gradually watching the desert floor get closer and closer.


When I finally got to the bottom of the descent, it was time to walk across the desert through winds almost strong enough to knock me over. The reward at the end of this was a tasty one, as I went to a nearby In n Out Burger. Mostly local to California, In n Out offers something us East coasters don’t really have access to: a burger with McDonald’s prices and quality close to that of Five Guys or Shake Shack. After a delicious meal, I got back on trail for 4 miles, only to camp in winds not too much weaker than the ones I walked through. It was a restless night, and I thought my tent poles would snap in half on numerous occasions. Thankfully, the tent held strong and I was back hiking the next day.

The next day was relatively uneventful. I ended up finding Mac, and we mutually agreed that we’re better off hiking at our own paces. That night, I noticed some pain in my ankle a bit worse than everyday soreness. It was definitely something to keep an eye on.

On the fourth day of this stretch, I wanted to make big miles so I could pull a short day into the town of Big Bear Lake. The day started with a big climb back up into the mountains. The scenery was certainly nicer than down in the lower reaches of the desert.


After what ended up being a brutal climb up, I hiked 16 more miles through rolling mountains to bring my daily total to 24, my highest so far on trail. My ankle was definitely sore at the end of the day, but the next one would be a short 10 mile stroll into Big Bear.

The walk into Big Bear was uneventful, though getting into town took a while. Eventually I was able to find a ride to a hostel in town, where I met a bunch of new hikers. I actually had a very busy day in town. I shipped my snow gear up to the start of the Sierras at Kennedy Meadows to shed some weight, which was a relief, but also brought about some excitement thinking about the bigger mountains that lay ahead. By the time I finished my resupply it was time for dinner. I ate a fantastic pizza and after a quick hot tub it was time for bed.

My ankle had been bothering me in Big Bear, but the next day it felt significantly better, so I decided to get back on trail. For the first 10 miles I felt fantastic, but my ankle really started to hurt during the latter part of the day. The trail had some nice views and I ended up making almost 20 miles.


When I got to camp, my ankle was really in pain and I knew any more hiking could do some serious damage. I texted my family via my satellite phone, and they were able to get ahold of my relatives Alan and Michael, who live nearby. They picked me up in the middle of nowhere without hesitation and brought me to their gorgeous house on a hill overlooking Palm Springs.


I want to give a shout-out to Alan and Michael for being unbelievable hosts. They have been absolutely fantastic keeping me well fed and healthy before I get back on trail. They also took me to an orthopedist who confirmed that I just have an inflamed tendon and should be able to hike with a brace. While I am enjoying my relaxation in Palm Springs, I do look forward to getting back on trail and making my way towards Canada.


Day 24-27: Little Bear Springs to Wrightwood


Day 8-12: Mountain Valley Retreat to Idyllwild