Day 24-27: Little Bear Springs to Wrightwood

Mile 285.9-363.4

I got dropped off right where I left off and hiked about 4 miles to get back on the PCT. I hiked an uneventful 16 miles to camp. I am now hiking with an ankle brace which definitely has been stabilizing it. That said, I was a bit worried when it started hurting about 10 miles into the day. I realized that the pain is just something I am going to have to live with and medicate to the best of my ability. I got to camp that night right on the shore of Deep Creek, then made the 6 mile round trip to Cedar Glen Malt Shop without my pack for dinner. I had a great burger that was borderline worth the long slog up the hill.

The next day I woke up and hiked around 9 morning miles to Deep Creek Hot Springs. It was an interesting area and was definitely relaxing, but was popular with day hikers. As a result, the amount of trash was pretty egregious. That said, I spent a couple hours there and it definitely helped rejuvenate my ankle, as it did not start hurting until a couple miles from camp. The trail continued on and views opened up of the San Gabriel mountains, where I would be hiking in a couple days.


I ended up making a healthy 21 miles on the day, despite the ankle really hurting for the last push. The next morning, it was time to do it all over again.

Day 3 of this section had some unique views, starting with Silverwood Lake about 5 miles in. The lake is actually a man made reservoir, not the unicorn that would be a lake of that size in the desert.


The next section was a slog to Cajón pass. My ankle was hurting around mile 15, but I was rejuvenated following a quick break. 3 miles from the pass I was treated to a hazy yet extraordinary view of the upcoming mountains.


After a short descent down to Cajón pass, I was at the legendary PCT McDonalds. However, my foodie instincts sent me just up the road to the taco truck, where I ordered a combo plate that did not disappoint. I did take a McFlurry and fries to go from McDonald’s, and completed the last 1.7 to camp, which brought me north of 23 miles on the day.

The last day into the town of Wrightwood was a long climb with beautiful views. I was in the clouds for about the first 8 miles until views opened up on the ridge. The clouds put on quite a show.


The rest of the day was continuous climbing with great views. Luckily, the uphills haven’t really been bothering my ankle so the only issue I had was fatigue from the climb.


The last few miles of the day were down a side trail into Wrightwood. The steep descent was not friendly to my ankle, but soon I was taking a hot shower and felt good as new… albeit with a slight limp.


Day 29-32: Wrightwood to Agua Dulce


Day 14-19: Idyllwild to Little Bear Springs